Mouse CD16/32) Antibody from BIOLEGEND

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Antigenic SpecificityMouse CD16/32)
Host SpeciesRat
Reactive Speciesmouse
IsotypeIgG2a, λ
Size50 µg
ApplicationsFlow Cytometry (FC)
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DescriptionTruStain FcX™ (anti-mouse CD16/32). CD16 is the low affinity IgG Fc receptor III (FcR III) and CD32 is FcR II. CD16/CD32 are expressed on B cells, monocytes/macrophages, NK cells, granulocytes, mast cells, and dendritic cells. The Fc receptors bind antibody-antigen immune complexes and mediate adaptive immune responses. TruStain FcX™ is specific to the common epitope of CD16/CD32. It is useful for blocking non-specific binding of immunoglobulin to the Fc receptors.
Other NamesFcγ R III/II, Ly-17
Gene, Accession #Gene ID: 14130, 14131
Catalog #101319
Order / More InfoMouse CD16/32) Antibody from BIOLEGEND
Product Specific ReferencesPubMed: 20543100, 21813769, 21935405, 22198952, 23436932, 23798541, 23707076, 24713821, 24823369, 24829333, 25001602, 25589640, 25855746, 26200783, 26183376, 26378785, 26034207, 26056145, 26411688, 25838268, 26371252, 26581914, 26344055, 26883629, 26886778, 26917238, 26872418, 26864029, 26967901, 27099134, 26888257, 26865713, 27148868, 27183440, 26872418, 27146149, 27188595, 27084391, 27346351, 27408776, 27346351, 27579858, 27481535, 27486189, 27654936, 27657535, 27779218, 27702895, 27731313, 27372570, 27672083, 27837105, 28096390, 28094779, 28123943, 27955979, 27994074, 28170423, 28176769, 28198370, 27927724, 28338087, 28817707, 28700944, 28604843, 28668388, 28767693, 29075761, 29042573, 29038527, 28700944, 28668388, 28604843, 29491374, 29185479, 29263417, 29143824, 29494550, 29615603, 29754823, 29845213, 29976647, 29985390, 30057172, 30393066, 30043752, 29937226, 30270040, 30059007, 29894691, 30170811, 29752062, 30170813, 29858009, 30057174, 30388456, 28918081, 29336888, 29343440, 29773641, 30011025, 30222138, 30265749, 30508722, 30559442, 30659108, 30666957, 30704498, 30733433, 30788384, 30040211, 30770349, 30944615, 30949169, 30970254, 30971695, 31040917, 31042467, 31064994, 31069138, 31123687, 31127113, 31160587, 31221971, 29511032, 29341332, 31492854, 31278348, 29177411, 30291220, 30038218, 30923196, 31292299, 29288079, 30811983, 31501473, 31392268, 30566882, 29166591, 31390564, 30911135, 31392695, 31444265, 31269441, 31401351, 31440477, 31511834, 30889381, 30666957, 30970254, 31553918, 31533034, 31042467, 31003940, 30850233, 30799265, 31027996, 30686732, 31526760, 31390564, 30926232, 30057174, 29858009, 30170813, 29752062, 30170811, 29894691, 30059007, 30270040, 29937226, 30293785, 30043752, 30057172, 30388456, 30580966, 30552023, 30393066, 30566882, 29056428, 28683285, 29120743, 28130359, 28399409, 28504669, 29894691, 30057172, 30610104, 30988513, 31235930, 31305264, 31488882, 31526760, 31609245, 31710313, 31719643, 31848338, 31862381, 31924786, 31932605, 31940494, 31969567, 31553918, 31801092, 32111828, 32195350, 32195339, 32142554, 30610059, 32158622, 31548397, 32123857, 32117261, 30620626, 32296307, 32321913, 32299465, 31636451, 32439945, 32494661, 32413092, 32444775, 32125091, 32578719, 32477361, 31359001, 31699777, 31611642, 32686763, 32685932, 32586377, 32937134, 32877667, 32966785, 32878637, 32923651, 32923626, 32555306, 32898474, 32074012, 33039895, 33052221, 33363539, 33268774, 33377030, 31472403, 33257647, 33293371, 33207208, 33239293, 33247132, 33054973, 31879345, 33021470, 33086075, 33090575, 33113362, 33113379, 33116313, 32661313, 32999002, 33005412, 32846891, 32720575, 32751752, 32821971, 31917685, 32612232, 32484502, 32284612, 32514064, 32027039, 32209637, 31862844, 33473245, 33537243, 33450054, 33565962, 33752799, 34003116, 34047696, 32454024, 32615087, 32668198, 32810442, 32888430, 32910906, 33098765, 33301708, 33271118, 33484643, 33606986, 33592174, 33567279, 33691111, 33667384, 33852868, 33852850, 33915108, 33887202, 33957084, 34010627, 34010628, 34133930, 34157302
8999 BioLegend Way
San Diego CA 92121
P: (858) 455-9588
P: 1-877-Bio-Legend (246-5343)
F: (858) 455-9587

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