Search, find, compare suppliers for FITC Annexin V products.

Product NameFITC Annexin V
DescriptionAnnexin V (or Annexin A5) is a member of the annexin family of intracellular proteins that binds to phosphatidylserine (PS) in a calcium-dependent manner. PS is normally only found on the intracellular leaflet of the plasma membrane in healthy cells, but during early apoptosis, membrane asymmetry is lost and PS translocates to the external leaflet. Fluorochrome-labeled Annexin V can then be used to specifically target and identify apoptotic cells. Annexin V Binding Buffer (cat. no. 422201) is re
Size25 tests
ApplicationsFlow Cytometry (FC)
Other NamesAnnexin A5
Gene, Accession, CAS #Gene ID: 308
Catalog #640905
Order / More InfoFITC Annexin V from BIOLEGEND
Product Specific ReferencesPubMed: 19181931, 20601595, 20090929, 23225903, 23512658, 23238519, 23705001, 21664691, 20655375, 23785121, 23936476, 23839822, 23774624, 24145513, 24416160, 24342536, 24610575, 24686080, 24816488, 24911240, 25139258, 25074926, 25075126, 25151970, 25533937, 25947381, 26204127, 26313912, 26417084, 26405178, 26297738, 26216936, 26538233, 26619195, 26673145, 26623653, 26869716, 27121191, 27056669, 27099294, 27136922, 27310874, 27280849, 27122187, 27199349, 27226629, 27509895, 27571776, 27465528, 27669902, 27657535, 27745970, 27650494, 27720904, 27857173, 27806101, 27913654, 27974744, 28067901, 28234980, 28415882, 28370166, 28335619, 28576550, 28528979, 28767693, 28837619, 28818572, 28823717, 28733045, 28604764, 28643525, 28806770, 29038500, 28920959, 28972884, 28733045, 28643525, 28604764, 28576550, 28528979, 29167438, 29099866, 29478914, 29894694, 29894691, 30878284, 30880025, 30799288, 29894694, 29478914, 29894691, 28118844, 28223427, 28301600, 28347999, 28611451, 28857471, 28904335, 28992628, 29027839, 29046299, 29137304, 29415668, 29579036, 29794114, 29894691, 29894694, 29934500, 30032250, 30032296, 30272365, 30282711, 30441870, 30444165, 30510209, 30899020, 31107884, 31152132, 31180579, 31183995, 31299901, 31358993, 31508509, 31575907, 31635026, 31646088, 31699964, 31731707, 31807238, 30606770, 32142668, 30880025, 32298302, 31405607, 30896822, 32363124, 32543350, 31178404, 31699777, 32522979, 33257658, 33137164, 33026975, 33028928, 32801295, 32579941, 32612123, 32542389, 32289154, 32515732, 32001620, 31462144, 33462220, 33431926, 33147456, 33147456
8999 BioLegend Way
San Diego CA 92121
P: (858) 455-9588
P: 1-877-Bio-Legend (246-5343)
F: (858) 455-9587

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