Zombie Violet™ Fixable Viability Kit from BIOLEGEND

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Product NameZombie Violet™ Fixable Viability Kit
DescriptionZombie Violet™ is an amine-reactive fluorescent dye that is non-permeant to live cells but permeant to the cells with compromised membranes. Thus, it can be used to assess live vs. dead status of mammalian cells. Zombie Violet™ is a polar, water soluble dye providing violet fluorescence, making it suitable for multi-color detection.
Size500 tests
ApplicationsFlow Cytometry (FC), Intracellular Staining for Flow Cytometry (ICFC), ICC
Other NamesFixable Dye, Fixable Viability Dye
Gene, Accession, CAS #n/a
Catalog #423114
Order / More InfoZombie Violet™ Fixable Viability Kit from BIOLEGEND
Product Specific ReferencesPubMed: 26170384, 26424075, 26659448, 27480492, 27492949, 27492949, 27798614, 27681624, 28494238, 28837623, 28777443, 28575020, 28935958, 28952190, 28575020, 28494238, 29698514, 29737278, 30282021, 30619765, 30652970, 30867477, 30958265, 30700907, 31306468, 30824526, 31246581, 30840890, 30026598, 31909091, 31914398, 31980601, 31665636, 31415959, 31553913, 31412247, 32195317, 30910860, 32520638, 32704531, 32934200, 32878637, 32923626, 33111097, 33097708, 31472403, 33178198, 33213476, 33017398, 32995363, 33000004, 32719542, 32801295, 32692155, 32436864, 32434922, 32784509
8999 BioLegend Way
San Diego CA 92121
P: (858) 455-9588
P: 1-877-Bio-Legend (246-5343)
F: (858) 455-9587



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