Zombie Aqua™ Fixable Viability Kit from BIOLEGEND

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Product NameZombie Aqua™ Fixable Viability Kit
DescriptionZombie Aqua™ is an amine-reactive fluorescent dye that is non-permeant to live cells but permeant to cells with compromised membranes. Thus, it can be used to assess live vs. dead status of mammalian cells. Zombie Aqua™ is a polar, water-soluble dye providing very bright green fluorescence, making it suitable for use in multi-color detection.
Size100 tests
ApplicationsFlow Cytometry (FC), Intracellular Staining for Flow Cytometry (ICFC), ICC
Other NamesFixable Dye, Fixable Viability Dye
Gene, Accession, CAS #n/a
Catalog #423101
Order / More InfoZombie Aqua™ Fixable Viability Kit from BIOLEGEND
Product Specific ReferencesPubMed: 24277150, 24973457, 25008920, 25474197, 25416805, 25480946, 25548218, 25637027, 25733854, 25644014, 25711758, 26176698, 26163773, 26141950, 26283477, 26745507, 26751387, 26808628, 26883629, 26832409, 26903625, 26851223, 26676749, 26912654, 26937039, 27084100, 27183640, 26883629, 26965826, 27323685, 27310141, 27225479, 26936936, 27482100, 27487330, 27402698, 27498693, 27680869, 27520969, 27583440, 27653690, 27701454, 27798704, 27721430, 27828999, 27377695, 27841869, 27812214, 27881740, 27861126, 27966555, 27982126, 27926930, 27837103, 27911793, 27936218, 27837105, 28087239, 27932444, 28098193, 28241075, 28207890, 28165471, 28287113, 28248310, 28428881, 28548102, 28539428, 28792982, 28854372, 28723925, 28723565, 28710252, 28703769, 28711757, 28650992, 28666759, 28646040, 28606127, 29073253, 28910637, 28711757, 28703769, 28710252, 28723565, 28723925, 28606127, 28646040, 28666759, 28650992, 28548102, 28539428, 28502824, 29213079, 29055013, 29281816, 29295981, 29449195, 29899427, 29900048, 29900057, 30666957, 30783136, 30559424, 30559443, 30572206, 30653608, 30809231, 29221730, 29478774, 30008983, 30753169, 30792174, 30821123, 30894630, 30911007, 31131364, 30185627, 29262350, 30811982, 29942093, 29967538, 31337788, 31240267, 30650377, 31216482, 31575880, 29126797, 30467340, 29907154, 30546964, 30550791, 31968240, 31405808, 31461645, 30712873, 32117585, 32313720, 30955881, 32355214, 32444775, 32125091, 31266784, 32651360, 30046110, 32463582, 32966785, 32966779, 33052221, 30388455, 32964498, 32990219, 31874109, 31818982, 33377128, 33261619, 33330050, 33261178, 33261178, 33008924, 33296655, 33238290, 33247092, 33247132, 33188181, 33046889, 33049000, 33051000, 33053344, 32066951, 33090575, 32783919, 32894169, 32899865, 32841222, 32663200, 32698471, 32471032, 32612232, 32434881, 32307629, 32231298, 31771880, 31552482, 31610176, 33459871
8999 BioLegend Way
San Diego CA 92121
P: (858) 455-9588
P: 1-877-Bio-Legend (246-5343)
F: (858) 455-9587



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