P2Y12 Expressing Human Astrocytoma Cell Line (1321N1-HA-P2Y12) from KERAFAST, INC.

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Product NameP2Y12 Expressing Human Astrocytoma Cell Line (1321N1-HA-P2Y12)
DescriptionSource: Human Glia Cell. Cell type: Glioblastoma.
Size1 vial
Other Namesn/a
Gene, Accession, CAS #Accession: Q9H244
Catalog #ENC023
Order / More InfoP2Y12 Expressing Human Astrocytoma Cell Line (1321N1-HA-P2Y12) from KERAFAST, INC.
Product Specific References
  1. Filtz, T, Q Li, JL Boyer, RA Nicholas, and TK Harden (1994) Cloning, expression, and pharmacological characterization of a P2Y-purinergic receptor from turkey brain. Mol Pharm, 46:8-14.
  2. Schachter, J, Li, Q, Boyer, J, Nicholas, RA, and Harden, TK (1996) Second messenger cascade specificity and pharmacological selectivity of the human P2Y1-purinoceptor. Brit J Pharmacol, 118:167-173.
  3. Nicholas, RA, Watt, WC, Lazarowski, ER, Li, Q, and Harden, TK (1996) The uridine nucleotide selectivity of three phospholipase C-activating P2 receptors: Identification of a UDP-selective, a UTP-selective, and an adenine and uridine triphosphate-specific receptor. Mol Pharmacol, 50:224-229.
  4. Kennedy, C, Qi, A-D, Herold, CL, Harden, TK and Nicholas, RA (2000) ATP, an agonist at the rat P2Y4 receptor, is an anatagonist at the human P2Y4 receptor. Mol Pharmacol 57:926-931.
  5. Qi, A-D, Kennedy, C, Harden, TK and Nicholas, RA (2001) Differential coupling of the human P2Y11 receptor to phospholipase C and adenylyl cyclase. Brit J Pharmacol 132: 318-326.
  6. Chhatriwala M, Ravi RG, Patel RI, Boyer JL, Jacobson KA, Harden TK. Induction of novel agonist selectivity for the ADP-activated P2Y1 receptor versus the ADP-activated P2Y12 and P2Y13 receptors by conformational constraint of an ADP analog. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 2004 Dec;311(3):1038-43.
  7. Lazarowski ER, Harden TK. UDP-Sugars as Extracellular Signaling Molecules: Cellular and Physiologic Consequences of P2Y14 Receptor Activation. Mol Pharmacol. 2015 Jul;88(1):51-60.
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