Mouse CD3 Antibody from BIOLEGEND

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Antigenic SpecificityMouse CD3
Host SpeciesRat
Reactive Speciesmouse
IsotypeIgG2b, κ
Formatfluorescein (FITC) conjugate
Size50 µg
ApplicationsFlow Cytometry (FC)
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DescriptionFITC anti-mouse CD3. CD3, also known as T3, is a member of the Ig superfamily and primarily expressed on T cells, NK-T cells, and at different levels on thymocytes during T cell differentiation. CD3 is composed of CD3ε, δ, γ and ζ chains. It forms a TCR complex by associating with TCR α/β or γ/δ chains. CD3 plays a critical role in TCR signal transduction, T cell activation, and antigen recognition by binding the peptide/MHC antigen complex
ImmunogenγδTCR-positive T-T hybridoma D1
Other NamesT cell antigen receptor complex, T3
Gene, Accession #Gene ID: 12502
Catalog #100203
Order / More InfoMouse CD3 Antibody from BIOLEGEND
Product Specific ReferencesPubMed: 16384532, 23082146, 22902832, 22628264, 24618702, 24790149, 25232948, 25415454, 25392531, 25595784, 26266810, 26600079, 27271559, 27417417, 27448587, 27406819, 27767031, 27637330, 27982034, 28176781, 28542148, 28542148, 29146922, 29255233, 29138852, 29361554, 29976647, 30015838, 30100185, 30318148, 30054206, 30318149, 30523310, 30718511, 31027998, 31213601, 30674537, 31239444, 30566882, 29166591, 31325378, 31431623, 31350406, 31324770, 31551984, 30699352, 30878284, 31027998, 31553906, 31350176, 30661958, 30318149, 30318148, 30100185, 30054206, 30566882, 28733045, 28928016, 28815219, 29868034, 30318148, 30619285, 30925723, 31073070, 31553906, 31644352, 31914399, 31980609, 32076400, 32111828, 32132528, 32181368, 31277636, 32163524, 32256652, 30947296, 28747688, 30878284, 32308755, 32439945, 29778783, 32686763, 32358491, 32877667, 32846136, 31883922, 32878637, 32923129, 33113363, 32999289, 33363002, 33317145, 33288744, 33173985, 33147456, 33116313, 33164745, 32645327, 32913622, 31986485, 32051266, 34114949, 32645327, 32822583, 32910906, 33098765, 33434494, 33567275, 33596429, 33852863, 33915108, 34161762
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