LEGENDplex™ MU M1 Macrophage Panel (8-plex) w/ Filter Plate from BIOLEGEND

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Product NameLEGENDplex™ MU M1 Macrophage Panel (8-plex) w/ Filter Plate
DescriptionMacrophages are produced by differentiation of monocyte in response to an infection or tissue damage. Their primary function is to recognize, engulf, and destroy target cells including pathogens, dying or dead cells, and cellular debris. Like dendritic cells, macrophages are also professional antigen presenting cells that play a crucial role in initiating an immune response. Macrophages secrete an array of cytokines which aid in host defense, tissue repair, and immunoregulation. Macrophages can
Size100 tests
ApplicationsMultiplex - Panel
Other NamesCXCL1 (KC), IL-18, IL-23, IL-12p70, IL-6, TNF-α, IL-12p40, IL-1β
Gene, Accession, CAS #Gene ID: 14825, 16173, 16160, 83430, 16159, 16160, 16193, 21926, 16160, 16176
Catalog #740847
Order / More InfoLEGENDplex™ MU M1 Macrophage Panel (8-plex) w/ Filter Plate from BIOLEGEND
Product Specific Referencesn/a
8999 BioLegend Way
San Diego CA 92121
P: (858) 455-9588
P: 1-877-Bio-Legend (246-5343)
F: (858) 455-9587



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