RBC Lysis Buffer (10X) from BIOLEGEND

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Product NameRBC Lysis Buffer (10X)
DescriptionRed Blood Cell (RBC) Lysis Buffer has been designed, formulated, and tested to ensure optimal lysis of RBCs in single cell suspensions with minimal effects on leukocytes. RBC Lysis Buffer is supplied as a 10X solution containing ammonium chloride, potassium carbonate, and EDTA, and should be diluted in deionized water prior to use. Nucleated RBCs are not effectively lysed with ammonium chloride. Test
Size100 mL
Other NamesRed blood cell lysis buffer
Gene, Accession, CAS #n/a
Catalog #420301
Order / More InfoRBC Lysis Buffer (10X) from BIOLEGEND
Product Specific ReferencesPubMed: 19096034, 20501694, 22058412, 21555486, 21115742, 21379572, 22160305, 22879951, 22502799, 23042818, 22871496, 23137879, 23302871, 23530143, 23542081, 23705069, 23974081, 23885027, 24029635, 24130179, 23970800, 24145516, 24133167, 24302580, 24364909, 24850909, 25377469, 25658639, 25824152, 26132105, 26147698, 26176698, 25912379, 26215533, 26317864, 26317345, 26117839, 23052552, 24686327, 26219304, 26459940, 26472156, 26416901, 26642357, 26754178, 26621862, 26925951, 26804910, 26631572, 26864029, 27066907, 26993806, 27043412, 26994218, 27183639, 26936962, 27194387, 27364009, 27307436, 27423911, 27428900, 27374795, 27376576, 27579858, 26373439, 27439864, 27539742, 27521343, 27445344, 27629711, 27671648, 27767064, 27601621, 27698377, 27423911, 27581985, 27581990, 27671246, 27923061, 27941937, 27706900, 27864295, 28091533, 28246356, 28219981, 28264701, 28338087, 28315386, 28438638, 28505514, 28460633, 28860067, 28716104, 28674030, 28604843, 28668513, 28646038, 28610635, 28617316, 28574437, 29054843, 29066438, 28986277, 28878242, 29033940, 28674030, 28716104, 28574437, 28617316, 28610635, 28646038, 28668513, 28604843, 28505514, 28460633, 28687602, 28987882, 29287601, 26861109, 28059587, 28235764, 28388410, 28713478, 28827325, 28915238, 29058691, 29207258, 29317452, 29452637, 29467001, 29558941, 29708496, 29884461, 30073773, 30213835, 30598363, 30767430, 30833671, 30875995, 30965686, 31226136, 31391529, 31653830, 31722193, 31722201, 31741772, 31784656, 31456386, 32033585, 32015345, 32142554, 30849366, 32249764, 32197066, 32274319, 30150661, 32298302, 31597160, 31666702, 30802149, 30733375, 32439945, 32405514, 29958804, 32733043, 32873817, 32878637, 32923118, 31422903, 33110477, 32964498, 32793234, 33158915, 33377120, 33296652, 32251383, 33298861, 33017398, 33158814, 32661313, 33014356, 32840892, 32839607, 32625208, 32614928, 32134744, 31852716, 32000897, 33495453
8999 BioLegend Way
San Diego CA 92121
P: (858) 455-9588
P: 1-877-Bio-Legend (246-5343)
F: (858) 455-9587



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