dsDNA-Encased Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (dsDNA-SWNTs) from KERAFAST, INC.

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Product NamedsDNA-Encased Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (dsDNA-SWNTs)
Other Namesn/a
Gene, Accession, CAS #n/a
Catalog #EAK003
Order / More InfodsDNA-Encased Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (dsDNA-SWNTs) from KERAFAST, INC.
Product Specific References
  1. Zhao EH, Ergul B, Zhao W. Caffeine's antioxidant potency optically sensed with double-stranded DNA-encased single-walled carbon nanotubes [published correction appears in J Phys Chem B. 2015 Sep 17;119(37):12354]. J Phys Chem B. 2015;119(10):4068-4075.
  2. A. Kamel, E. Gangluff, W. Zhao. Aqueous Redox Reaction of SDS-Encased Carbon Nanotubes with Mercuric Ions for Optical Sensing. J. Phys. Chem. C, 116 (2012) 5591-15598.
  3. Zhao W. Lighting up H2O2: the molecule that is a "necessary evil" in the cell. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl. 2009;48(17):3022-3024.
  4. Xu Y, Pehrsson PE, Chen L, Zhao W. Controllable redox reaction of chemically purified DNA-single walled carbon nanotube hybrids with hydrogen peroxide. J Am Chem Soc. 2008;130(31):10054-10055.
  5. Y. Xu, P. E. Pehrsson, L. Chen, R. Zhang, W. Zhao, J. “Double Stranded DNA-Single Walled Carbon Nanotube Hybrids for Optical Hydrogen Peroxide and Glucose Sensing.” Phys. Chem. C. 111 (2007) 8638- 8643.
  6. X. Tu, Pehrsson PE, W. Zhao. Redox Reaction of DNA-Encased HiPco Carbon Nanotubes with Hydrogen Peroxide: A Near Infrared Optical Sensitivity and Kinetics Study.  J. Phys. Chem. C. 111 (2007) 17227-17231.
  7. Song, C., Pehrsson, P., & Zhao, W. (2006). Optical enzymatic detection of glucose based on hydrogen peroxide-sensitive HiPco carbon nanotubes. Journal of Materials Research, 21(11), 2817-2823.
  8. Song C, Pehrsson PE, Zhao W. Recoverable solution reaction of HiPco carbon nanotubes with hydrogen peroxide. J Phys Chem B. 2005;109(46):21634-21639.
  9. Benedict B, Pehrsson PE, Zhao W. Optically sensing additional sonication effects on dispersed HiPco nanotubes in aerated water. J Phys Chem B. 2005;109(16):7778-7780.
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