NCALD cDNA from NKMAX Co. Ltd.

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Product NameNCALD cDNA
DescriptionNCALD encodes a member of the neuronal calcium sensor (NCS) family of calcium-binding proteins. The protein contains an N-terminal myristoylation signal and four EF-hand calcium binding loops. The protein is cytosolic at resting calcium levels; however, elevated intracellular calcium levels induce a conformational change that exposes the myristoyl group, resulting in protein association with membranes and partial co-localization with the perinuclear trans-golgi network. The protein is thought to be a regulator of G protein-coupled receptor signal transduction. Several alternatively spliced variants of this gene have been determined, all of which encode the same protein; additional variants may exist but their biological validity has not been determined. This shuttle vector contains the complete ORF. It is inseted BamH I to Xho I. The gene insert contains multiple cloning sites which can be used to easily cut and transfer the gene and recombination site into your expression vector.
Other Namesn/a
Gene, Accession, CAS #NCBI: NP_001035720.1
Catalog #ATGD0224
Order / More InfoNCALD cDNA from NKMAX Co. Ltd.
Product Specific Referencesn/a
NKMAX Co. Ltd.
NKMAX Co. Ltd.
NKMAX Co. Ltd.
6F, SNUH Health Care Innovation Park
172 Dolma-ro, Bundang-gu
Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do 13605 REPUBLIC OF KOREA
P: +82-31-8017-8114
F: +82-31-8017-8124

Profile of NKMAX Co. Ltd.

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