GSKIP cDNA from NKMAX Co. Ltd.

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Product NameGSKIP cDNA
DescriptionGSKIP encodes a protein that is involved as a negative regulator of GSK3-beta in the Wnt signaling pathway. The encoded protein may play a role in the retinoic acid signaling pathway by regulating the functional interactions between GSK3-beta, beta-catenin and cyclin D1, and it regulates the beta-catenin/N-cadherin pool. The encoded protein contains a GSK3-beta interacting domain (GID) in its C-terminus, which is similar to the GID of Axin. The protein also contains an evolutionarily conserved RII-binding domain, which facilitates binding with protein kinase-A and GSK3-beta, enabling its role as an A-kinase anchoring protein. Alternatively spliced transcript variants have been observed for this gene. This shuttle vector contains the complete ORF. It is inseted BamH I to Xho I. The gene insert contains multiple cloning sites which can be used to easily cut and transfer the gene and recombination site into your expression vector.
Other NamesC14orf129, HSPC210
Gene, Accession, CAS #NCBI: NP_057556.2
Catalog #ATGD0167
Order / More InfoGSKIP cDNA from NKMAX Co. Ltd.
Product Specific Referencesn/a
NKMAX Co. Ltd.
NKMAX Co. Ltd.
NKMAX Co. Ltd.
6F, SNUH Health Care Innovation Park
172 Dolma-ro, Bundang-gu
Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do 13605 REPUBLIC OF KOREA
P: +82-31-8017-8114
F: +82-31-8017-8124

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