DCTN3 cDNA from NKMAX Co. Ltd.

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Product NameDCTN3 cDNA
DescriptionDCTN3 encodes the smallest subunit of dynactin, a macromolecular complex consisting of 10 subunits ranging in size from 22 to 150 kD. Dynactin binds to both microtubules and cytoplasmic dynein. It is involved in a diverse array of cellular functions, including ER-to-Golgi transport, the centripetal movement of lysosomes and endosomes, spindle formation, cytokinesis, chromosome movement, nuclear positioning, and axonogenesis. This subunit, like most other dynactin subunits, exists only as a part of the dynactin complex. It is primarily an alpha-helical protein with very little coiled coil, and binds directly to the largest subunit (p150) of dynactin. Alternative splicing results in multiple transcript variants. This shuttle vector contains the complete ORF. It is inseted Nde I to Hind III. The gene insert contains multiple cloning sites which can be used to easily cut and transfer the gene and recombination site into your expression vector.
Other NamesDCTN-22, DCTN22
Gene, Accession, CAS #NCBI: NP_009165.1
Catalog #ATGD0344
Order / More InfoDCTN3 cDNA from NKMAX Co. Ltd.
Product Specific Referencesn/a
NKMAX Co. Ltd.
NKMAX Co. Ltd.
NKMAX Co. Ltd.
6F, SNUH Health Care Innovation Park
172 Dolma-ro, Bundang-gu
Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do 13605 REPUBLIC OF KOREA
P: +82-31-8017-8114
F: +82-31-8017-8124



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