Mikrogen Diagnostik recomLine HSV-1 & HSV-2 IgG Lateral Strip Test Kit from QED BIOSCIENCE INC.

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Product NameMikrogen Diagnostik recomLine HSV-1 & HSV-2 IgG Lateral Strip Test Kit
DescriptionStrip-Immunoassay with antigens produced by recombinant techniques for the detection and differentiation of IgG antibodies against HSV-1 und HSV-2. Markers include: HSV-Lysate gG-1 gG-2. The herpes simplex viruses (HSV) belong to the most widespread disease pathogens in the world. There are two serotypes, HSV-1 and HSV-2, which are very similar serologically, however their clinical manifestations are different. In order for an infection to result, direct contact with tissue or secretions containing virus is necessary.The two serotypes generally prefer different sites of infection, but in principle can infect any area of the skin. In this respect, HSV-1 is primarily responsible for diseases in the area of the head such as herpes labialis (herpes simplex of the lips), while HSV-2 is responsible for diseases in the genital and anal area, such as herpes genitalis (genital herpes). Severe rare manifestations include, for example, HSV-associated encephalitis or herpes corneae. HSV infection of the newborn (herpes neonatorum), which can occur during or shortly after birth, has particularly severe consequences.The primary contact with HSV-1 occurs during childhood; that of HSV-2, in contrast, only after the first sexual contact as a young adult [3]. The sero-prevalence increases with increasing age and is markedly higher for HSV-1 that for HSV-2.Most HSV test kits on the market, including those claiming to detect HSV type-1 or type-2, are based on crude antigen preparations that react equally well with antibodies from HSV-1 and HSV-2 infected patients. As most of the adults already have acquired an HSV-1 infection (seroprevalence is about 83% in Germany) the serological status for HSV-2 can not be reliably proved by crude HSV virus lysate based tests.The recomLine HSV-1 & HSV-2 IgG uses purified, subtype specific recombinant gG1 (HSV-1) and gG2 (HSV-2) antigens and therefore assures the correct differentiation between an HSV-1 and HSV-2 infection.
Size20 tests
ApplicationsLateral Strip Assay
Other NamesHSV whole lysate, gG-1, gG-2
Gene, Accession, CAS #n/a
Catalog #5372
Order / More InfoMikrogen Diagnostik recomLine HSV-1 & HSV-2 IgG Lateral Strip Test Kit from QED BIOSCIENCE INC.
Product Specific Referencesn/a
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